Daily Archives: August 2, 2012

My Thoughts on Random Things

Recently I have been thinking a lot about a few things. So I’m going to share those thoughts thoughts with you.

1) The shooting in Colorado was a tragedy. It was a horrendous act of evil, that traumatized many lives. The shooter was a man who chose to commit an evil deed and we will probably never know the reasons.why he did it. It seems that most people want this young man to get the death penalty. However, if you ask my opinion, I don’t want him to. I would rather he goes to jail for the rest of his life. I do not have a moral objection to the death penalty, my objection to the Aurora, CO shooter is rooted in two other beliefs. First of all, because of the amount of appeals he will get once on death row, he will end up sitting on death row for probably about 30 years, using our tax dollars to pay his legal fees. Less American tax dollars would be spent if he was sentenced to life in prison than if he was sentenced to death. Secondly, (and some may get angry with me for this thought) I pray that he’ll learn about the forgiveness that is offered to him through Jesus Christ. If he is executed, he may never get that chance. I think we sometimes get caught up in praying for the victims and their families (and don’t get me wrong, I am not saying we shouldn’t be praying for them), and we forget to also pray for the  shooter and his family. The shooter needs Jesus just as much as the rest of us do. It’s hard to believe sometimes, when something like this happens, that God still loves the shooter just as much as He loves the victims. I think that this situation is one of those times where we look at the sin of another and we tell ourselves that our own sin isn’t that bad. But we tend to forget that all sin is the  same to God. Sin is sin, it’s as simple as that.

2) Here are my thoughts on Army wives. I am a 24 year old Army wife, married to a junior enlisted man, with two kids. Stereotypes would tell you that I do nothing, that my kids run around like crazy animals, and that I have no education. Here’s the problem with that stereotype: I work hard to take care of my family, clean the house, cook meals, take my kids places, play with my kids, and teach my kids. I do many jobs, and I don’t get breaks or a day off. My kids are pretty well behaved and understand, as much as a 1 and 3 year old can, the difference in right and wrong. I have a Bachelors degree and I am in the process of going back to school for my Masters degree. I am not lazy, uneducated, or neglectful to my children. I am just like any other stay at home mom, who’s just trying to do what’s best for my family. So next time you meet a young Army wife with a few kids, don’t assume the worst of her. She will probably surprise you 😉

3) Chick-fil-a. I think it is sad that the President of the company cannot state his personal beliefs without getting attacked. He did not state anything offensive or rude, he simply stated his opinion, his beliefs. Tolerence is preached to us from an early age. Be tolerent of others. But see, my problem with this is that the people who expect tolerence from others aren’t willing to give tolerence. At no time did anything with Chick-fil-a have anything to do with intolerence of homosexuals or gay marriage, however, those people are intolerent of anyone who doesn’t share their perspective. That’s just insane. I like to think I am a pretty tolderent person. I know that everyone has their own beliefs and as much as I would love for EVERYONE to share the same belief I have, the belief in a God who loves you and will save you no matter what, we all know that, that’s not going to happen. All I can continue to do is share the love of God with those around me in hopes that they will see all He has to offer. But one thing I am intolerent of…intolerence. It just drives me bonkers! It seems like intolerent people don’t want tolerence, they want everyone to believe and think the exact same way they do. Which, by the way, will never happen!! lol

I also just want to post a disclaimer, that I am not judging anyone in this post. I am not criticizing or demeaning anyone, I am simply stating my opinion and my thoughts.

God Bless.

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